Sunday, September 7, 2008

Confessions of a Reluctant Blogger

I have to admit that I have avoided the whole blogger thing. I have not read many, I have written on fewer and thus far refused to join the trend. So what changed?

Firstly, I need to write. This is not some self indulgent, I need to express myself thing. It is that I need to write stuff down to work out what I think. I might as well do this in a place where people can tell me I am right or wrong.

Secondly, people have said I should. And I am a sheep and do what people tell me to! No really, people have said "you should write that down" when I have said things, and since I have a memory like a gold fish I thought "Hmmm....maybe I if only I could remember what I just said, and who you are, and who I am that should work well!"

Thirdly, there does seem to be a change in what people read, how they read it and all that sort of stuff. And if that is the case then I should get involved. I guess....


Michael Kellahan said...

Hey Pete
look forward to your contributions to the blogosphere

Dave said...

I think you would attract a huge audience of readers if you posted a photo of yourself from when you were at high school. I have some frieds who could help you out if you have misplaced them.

bec said...

Welcome, welcome! You should indeed write stuff down - your writing's good! I look forward to reading your stuff...

Justin said...

Looking forward to reading...

Pete said...

Actually I could have just quoted Francis Bacon "Reading makes a broad man, but writing makes an exact man" and the Bacon could have saved my bacon!!

dave said...

Having just read several of your posts, i say

Please keep blogging.

Keep up the great work